Saturday, April 28, 2012

CEBs - Week of April 30th - Mawwij!

Ah, romance....
Ann Telnaes' toon for this week should get your heart a-pumping!

Remember to include in your discussion:
  1. I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' (the cartoonist's) viewpoint.
  2. Here's why...
  3. Confirm you read the details.
As always, you will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!

And don't forget more comments mean EXTRA CREDIT!

Get out your kleenix...turn down the lights...and get all mushy...

Click the image to open the video 
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 593 KB video)
If you are still having problems go directly to the Washington Post archive site at

So...this is how a liberal views marriage in our culture. Western marriage has always been a contract between lustful, unfaithful men, treating women harshly, inhumanly and uncaringly.
It proves - monogamy just does not work!

Is she right?

Evidently, some in our culture think so:
  • Child-bearing couples who live together without marrying have increased twelvefold since 1970 - check this out.
  • 40% of people polled in an October, 2010 Today poll state monogamy does not work - see the comments here
  • According to Sociologist, Eric Anderson, monogamy is a failure; "cheating" is OK - read this!
AND BY THE WAY.....this kind of disgust for marriage is used OFTEN to justify living together out of wedlock, having children without the benefit of a marriage, homosexual relations, adultery, prostitution, etc., etc., etc.

Is this "mawwij" today? Does this prove that monogamy does not work? Or can it really work?....really?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

CEBs - Week of April 23rd - When the Bow Breaks!

Ready for another CEB toon from my friend, Miss Telnaes?
Remember to include in your discussion:
  1. I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' (the cartoonist's) viewpoint.
  2. Here's why...
  3. Confirm you read the details.
You will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!

EXTRA CREDIT for more comments you add...YOU GUYS DID GREAT LAST WEEK!!!

MICHAEL....this one's for you!!!!
Click the image to open the video 
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 236 KB video)
If you are still having problems go directly to the Washington Post archive site at

This one speaks for itself.

Our government has bent over backward to our number one trade import partner (check this out and see the vast difference between what we export and what we import). 
You don't have to be a space shuttle designer to figure this one out - just go to the store....ANY store....and find the "Made in USA" stamp versus the "Made in China" emblem.

What is this doing to our economy?
What will it do for you and your children?
Who really "owns" America?
And what happens, I pray to God NO, if we ever go to war against our "good bowing buddy to the East"?

What happens when everything we obtain has to be provided by a foreign nation.....and I don't have anything against China, Michael....I just wonder what we are doing to our economy?

And how can we change it?
How can you?

Toss in your ideas?....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

CEB - Week of April 16 - My good buddies......the TSA!

Ready for another CEB toon from Miss Telnaes?
Remember to include in your discussion:
  1. I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' (the cartoonist's) viewpoint.
  2. Here's why...
  3. Confirms you read the details.
You will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!

EXTRA CREDIT for more comments you add...
Here we go!!!!

Click the image to open the video 
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 418 KB video)
If you are still having problems go directly to the Washington Post archive site at

I think I've made my objections clear on the TSA and their violation of our 4th amendment rights.

And yet there is one argument used often to disparage my position. If we do not have the TSA, we could have another attack - and NOT by the usual "suspects" but rather…..well….anyone!

Then a story came out about, Colleen Renee LaRose, a Michigan born girl who in 2004 moved to Philadelphia to live with her boyfriend. Raised in Texas, Colleen was just as American as you and me. Grieved by the recent deaths of her brother and father, she went through depression, even attempting suicide.

Sadly, Satan often takes advantage of people's pain - changing their heart to the most false notions, including Islam. She converted in 2007 and became what many call a "radical". In 2008 she posted herself as "Jihad Jane" saying that she was "desperate to do something somehow to help" the suffering Muslims being oppressed by the Western Great Satan. She shared her sympathies to terrorist groups in Palestine whom she believed were persecuted by Israel. All in all, she became a bona fide, Burka-wearing Muslim extremist (or, as I believe - she was just following the basic tenants of the Qur'an). 

She was arrested by the FBI on October 16, 2009 charged in a plot to kill the Swedish artist, Lars Viks, who offended Muslims worldwide with his cartoon of the false prophet, Muhammed (he drew Muhammed with the body of a dog, a high insult in the Arab world). Read more here.

The amazing, and frightening thing - Colleen looks as American as Sarah Palin. And her co-conspirator, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, also know as "Jihad Jamie", who was accused of terrorism as well, could wander around our malls, stores and streets….and no one would know anything about her desire to violently force Islamic beliefs upon our society.

Radio host Mike Gallagher made the comment in the cartoon - is he wrong?

Watch this video and see Mike Gallagher's alternative idea - PROFILING -


….maybe the TSA has a purpose after all.

Or is there another way to identify terrorist threats….even those that look as red-blooded, Apple-pie eating, baseball loving American as you and me?
Should we profile instead?

What do you think?....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weekly CEB (Due April 12th) ------------ Obama's Health Care Bill

Dudes (and Dudettes),

Remember for your weekly CEBs you need to join the conversation and include in your discussion:
  1. I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' (the cartoonist's) viewpoint
  2. Here's why...
  3. Something that confirms you either read the details or watched the supporting videos (even a simple statement like "Yes, Mr. J, I watched the video" will work)
You will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!

Now if you want extra credit, debate with your classmates and provide alternative points. Each counterpoint will be awarded. 
Let the debates begin!!!!
Click the image to open the video 
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 246 KB video)

IF you are having problems getting to this site, try going directly to the video: IF that doesn't work, go directly to the link at the Washington Post at

President Obama's Health Care plan is being discussed and debated in the Supreme Court as you read this. Last week while you were on Spring Break 27 states sued the President over his pushing through the ObamaCare bill in 2009. The Court will make its final decision in June.

This bill more than any other in recent history will radically change the way you live and the way your children will live. It will allow government to force you to purchase anything it deems necessary.

If you want to learn more about ObamaCare - check out this little YouTube video from John R. Graham, the  Director of Health Care Studies at the Pacific Research Institute. WARNING - it's not too flattering!
[CBS has a summary that kinda explains the entire bill - which only costs $940 Billion over ten years - cheap, huh!]

But this debate is not new and has been going on for several years.
The GOP ("Grand Old Party" - a nickname for the Republican party) has been fighting it from day one.
In January 2010, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, was interviewed on NBC's Sunday TV show, Meet the Press. He was quoted in the cartoon that you just watched.  The cartoonist only showed you a small portion of the interview, implying that the OLD WAY of health care (Doctors and Hospitals making a profit off people being sick and paying to be healed and taken care of) is hurting us all.

But is that what Senator McConnell was really saying? What was said in the entire interview?
Watch it here. (it's only about 4 minutes, 40 seconds)
Or if you would rather read the transcript - it can be found here.

But what will ObamaCare cost you and the American taxpayer?
Check this out! (And add your VOTE to the poll at the bottom of the page)

So - will ObamaCare help us or hurt us?
Health care is SO EXPENSIVE in this country - do you think it needs to be changed? 
Isn't it terrible how the Republicans don't really care about citizens' health and want to keep it expensive to make more money for the big, rich health care industry?
And, what do you think of Obama's plan?

Join the darkside! DEBATE!....