Saturday, February 4, 2012

Coroners, Pathologists and Medical Examiners! Oh My!

Hey Gang,

After our visit from Deb Wilkey, Kootenai County's Coroner, I thought I'd send you the link to the PBS, Frontline episode she spoke about - it's very interesting.

Check it out if you have an hour ( is an hour)...TO KILL.....sorry. Couldn't resist!
This is not an assignment - just something you may want to take a glance at.

Isn't it great to know that while the body remains, the soul lives on in Christ
(I Corinthians 15:20ff)! And I pray for each of you daily that you are in Christ or remain in Him.

In His love,

Mr. J.


  1. Did you find out if Mrs Wilkey was a Christian or not?

  2. Gerry, you are SUCH an example to me! You ALWAYS keep the important, spiritual issues at the forefront and I thank God for you!

    I honestly do not know the answer to your question, but she did say how impressed she was by you and our class - whether you know it or not, people see your Christian example. You influence people, Gerry - even your elected officials. Keep it up!

    Acts 26:28 - "...In a short time you will persuade me to become a Christian.”

  3. Thanks Mr J! :) we should pray for her and remember to ask our next guest speaker; it might open new doors of conversation:)
