Thursday, January 5, 2012

EXCELLENT ARTICLE - and another way for more EXTRA CREDIT!

Hillsdale College puts out a free newsletter, Imprimis, with articles that are "my-jaw-drops-into-my-lap-I'm-so-amazed-that-there-are-still-people-who-have-such-reverence-for-the-Founding-Fathers'-principles-it-makes-me-drool" kind of articles!

Some of them are a bit technical - but often there are some that just literally blow my stinkin' mind!

Here's one I really, REALLY recommend you read - (or if you prefer a .pdf copy, download it here -

AND if you read it, I'll give you more extra credit!

Email me if you read the article and answer this one question for credit - who considered the doctrines of "limited government" in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution "obsolete"?

God bless your day, my friends.

Mr. J.

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