Ah, romance....
Ann Telnaes' toon for this week should get your heart a-pumping!
Remember to include in your discussion:
- I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' (the cartoonist's) viewpoint.
- Here's why...
- Confirm you read the details.
As always, you will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!
And don't forget more comments mean EXTRA CREDIT!
Get out your kleenix...turn down the lights...and get all mushy...
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 593 KB video)
If you are still having problems go directly to the Washington Post archive site at
So...this is how a liberal views marriage in our culture. Western marriage has always been a contract between lustful, unfaithful men, treating women harshly, inhumanly and uncaringly.
It proves - monogamy just does not work!
It proves - monogamy just does not work!
Is she right?
Evidently, some in our culture think so:
- Child-bearing couples who live together without marrying have increased twelvefold since 1970 - check this out.
- 40% of people polled in an October, 2010 Today poll state monogamy does not work - see the comments here
- According to Sociologist, Eric Anderson, monogamy is a failure; "cheating" is OK - read this!
AND BY THE WAY.....this kind of disgust for marriage is used OFTEN to justify living together out of wedlock, having children without the benefit of a marriage, homosexual relations, adultery, prostitution, etc., etc., etc.
Is this "mawwij" today? Does this prove that monogamy does not work? Or can it really work?....really?
I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS VIDEO AT ALL. It is in every way demeaning to women and God tells man that he should love his wife. And monogamy is the only way to go! The other 40% is not right in the head. ;)- AImee Harrold
ReplyDeletewell i completely agree with the 40% not right in their head :p being married to just one spouse doesnt work. its okay to date several people, to figure out who you're most compatible with. to really figure it out though, you gotta move in with the person, and if it doesnt work out, then just move on. it's a person's decision. you can't force someone to follow your specific ideologies. if you try, then you're just as opressive as a tyrant!
ReplyDeleteHaha you silly girl. The problem is that Sodom and Gomorrah from the Bible (which you can bet your marbles they lost all morality) got totally destroyed by fire and brimstone. And it has been historically proven that nations with poor marriage bonds eventually break. (Just a question, is it not biblical to move in with someone? I know that the odds are you're gonna commit fornication and sin, but just living?) Anyways, moving in is astronomically designating to culture. Marriage is only business. The concept of love is lost.
ReplyDeleteAnd this video is evidence of monogamy? I think it is poor representation. The men may get a sense of pleasure out of it. Of course they would! But I think that the statistics of these men merely show a degradation of morals. I find it odd that men just like those tested are okay with cheating, until it happens to them. It's a double standard.
ReplyDeleteAll I see is evidence that a marriage won't work when you have a terrible husband. I mean, we obviously all have sin nature, but the men portrayed in the video were either terrible husbands (if that's all the considered their wives) or we were not given the full picture.
ReplyDeleteIf we took the biblical standard of how a husband and wife ought to love each other, I believe we would find very different statistics of marriage.
But what is that love? How do we know that love? I believe that the problem lies in the fact that we have strayed from the origin of what some may call "true love." That origin which I speak of is obviously, Jesus.
Did Jesus degrade His bride (the church) and treat her merely as property and his servant? No! he was a servant to her and died for her. So Jesus called the church to follow Him thanks to His sacrifice. I believe the same should be the case in a marriage. The husband and wife must put away all pride and be servants to one another.
In other words, of course marriage doesn't work in today's society! Today's society is all about "self."
I could go on, but this rant is long enough, so I'll end it here. :p
Eric Anderson's article angered me. Buy sadly, a lot of society has agreed with it. The stats provided are amazing. What is so horrible about having one partner for life? The fact that you minimize disease is only just a perk.
ReplyDeleteRemember, sin isnt bad because its forbidden. It's forbidden because its bad. And it will hurt you. Jesus says not to have sex outside marriage (whether that's fornication, or adultery), not because he's mean, or he doesn't want us to have fun. God created us to create life and have an abundant marriage. Sex (although I wouldn't know yet) is powerful, and binding. That's why its written, the two flesh will become one. Not just spiritually, but physically. One partner for life? Heck yes. I'm saving myself. God intended my heart and my body to one day be given to one man, and ill wait as long as possible for him; whoever he is.
Now, on the video. The reason why monogamy is so poorly represented, is like Zac said; cruel husbands who cheat on their wives and treat them as a baby making object. But allow me to point out it is not just the men at fault.
The reason women are treated like an object, is because often times we out ourselves in a position to be. Look at Marilyn Monroe, Britney Spears, etc-- all viewed as sex symbols. And why? Because they paraded themselves to be; as do many other women. It is time for women to stand up and stop acting as lustful objects but to truly be pure not only in body, but in heart and mind. Women to not live to please their husbands, they live to please God; which will please their husbands if they are men of God. Wives are to submit--but remember, men are to love. That's not just a physical love mind you. But love, agape, as Christ loved his bride; the church. Pure, true, protecting, honest, love. You say men need more sexual partners? Its because they are trying to compensate physically for what they lack spiritually. That is why Christ needs to be the center of marriage. But because he's been rejected so much, THAT is why so many fail. When we turn to God, as a country, as families, as individuals, I think we will be amazed at our restoration.
*steps off soap box*
Classic case of a theory I came up with a little while ago: People love to stereotype. It's easier for liberals to mark blanket-sheet every single man as cheating, lying, promiscuous, pig that cares about nothing other than dropping his current spouse and getting after the next "trophy wife." I think this is waaay overplayed by the liberals.
ReplyDeleteYes, couples living together without getting married is high, but it honestly just looks like an excuse for people to bunk up together until they get bored. I think that monogamy works, people are just too impatient to let it work. Our society lives from one moment to the next: everything is at our fingertips. We want beer, we got it. We want Doritos, we have them. We want entertainment, we get it. Who wants to wait anymore? Affairs are moment things too. Husbands see that hot new secretary and before we know it, the he has to have her. Why wait for his boring wife who is way past her prime anyway? I think this is one of the main reasons why most people don't believe in monogamy anymore. They just don't want to wait until they're eighty years old to see if they made the right choice, to stick their marriage out to the end. It's sad, but it's culture today ever since we've decided no standard is the new standard. Man now REDEFINES the standard to fit HIS needs. Since the BIble just doesn't fit in with man's desires like homosexuality or adultery, he drops it as the standard because he is, after all, in charge of everything right?
Anyways, that's my spiel :P
I only have ONE comment...
ReplyDelete...I have the smartest, most brilliant class on the face of the earth.
EXCELLENT comments guys!
WORLD, look out - they're graduating in June coming your way!!!