Ah, romance....
Ann Telnaes' toon for this week should get your heart a-pumping!
Remember to include in your discussion:
- I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' (the cartoonist's) viewpoint.
- Here's why...
- Confirm you read the details.
As always, you will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!
And don't forget more comments mean EXTRA CREDIT!
Get out your kleenix...turn down the lights...and get all mushy...
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 593 KB video)
If you are still having problems go directly to the Washington Post archive site at
So...this is how a liberal views marriage in our culture. Western marriage has always been a contract between lustful, unfaithful men, treating women harshly, inhumanly and uncaringly.
It proves - monogamy just does not work!
It proves - monogamy just does not work!
Is she right?
Evidently, some in our culture think so:
- Child-bearing couples who live together without marrying have increased twelvefold since 1970 - check this out.
- 40% of people polled in an October, 2010 Today poll state monogamy does not work - see the comments here
- According to Sociologist, Eric Anderson, monogamy is a failure; "cheating" is OK - read this!
AND BY THE WAY.....this kind of disgust for marriage is used OFTEN to justify living together out of wedlock, having children without the benefit of a marriage, homosexual relations, adultery, prostitution, etc., etc., etc.
Is this "mawwij" today? Does this prove that monogamy does not work? Or can it really work?....really?