Saturday, March 17, 2012

CEB - Week of March 19

Hey gang,

Here's your second online discussion CEB option.
Remember your comments on this blogspot are  due Thursday by 6 PM.

You can still provide me three articles WITH YOUR COMMENTS in your book or via can join the online discussion here on the class blogspot with weekly animated political cartoons from my favorite (and often intriguing) liberal cartoonist, Ann Telnaes

Remember to provide in your discussion point two things:

  1. "I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' viewpoint"
  2. "Let me tell you why..."
  3. I'M ADDING ONE MORE THING YOU MUST HAVE FOR CREDIT - let me know that you read or watched one of the links below (you just have to indicate something like, "Yes, Mr. J. I read the article on the New American" or "I watched Senator Paul on YouTube")

This week's episode:

Click the image to open the video 
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 282 KB)

IF you are having problems getting to this site, try going directly to the link at the Washington Post at

President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act...over the New Year while you were sleeping. The controversy is over a portion of the bill that essentially allows law enforcement officials detain and imprison American citizens - without a lawyer or habeas corpus (if the President believes the suspect is a threat to national security).

Read about in the January New American article. Or read what The Blaze says out the NDAA.
Conservative Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky tried to warn us this was about to happen on December 31 - see it on YouTube here.
Even liberals hate this - check out what Young Turks say on YouTube.

If you have a few weeks to kill and nothing better to do, you can download and read the massive thing here.

So - is Obama's NDAA bill Constitutional or not? Be specific in your discussion - why is it Constitutional or not.

Join the darkside!....

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Hey gang,

As promised I'm offering an alternative to the weekly CEB (Current Event Book) assignment due every Thursday.

You can still provide me three articles WITH YOUR COMMENTS in your book or via can join the online discussion here on the class blogspot with weekly animated political cartoons from my favorite (and sometimes aggravating) liberal cartoonist, Ann Telnaes

I will provide you a cartoon each Saturday from here until the end of the year with some supporting material that will help you understand the issue. You will need the Flash plugin to view these (oh...and turn up the sound). Then just join in on the discussion/debate.

You must provide in your discussion point two things:

  1. I agree or disagree with Miss Telnaes' viewpoint
  2. Here's why...

You will still receive 3 points for the assignment [one point for viewing it, one for agreeing/disagreeing, one for your reason(s)]. The discussion ends Thursday night for credit!

Now if you want extra credit, debate with your classmates and provide alternative points. Each counterpoint will be awarded. 
Join the darkside of debate...and engage in the discussion!

Here we go:

Click the image to open the video 
or DOWNLOAD a copy (the file is a 282 KB)

IF you are having problems getting to this site, try going directly to the video: IF that doesn't work, go directly to the link at the Washington Post at

The Danbury Letter  of 1802 was Thomas Jefferson's answer to Danbury Baptist Association from Connecticut.  It was written to address their concern for minority religions, such as the Baptists, and how the state legislature would deal with them. It also provides us the famous "separation between church and state" phrase that was essentially already apart of the Establishment Clause of the Constitution - the Clause which provides us "Freedom of Religion". Read more details at this great Constitution website.

Read the Danbury Letter here.

So - are we secular or not? Is Gingrich right? What does the Danbury Letter have to do with the debate? Or does it?

Join the darkside!....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

ONLINE QUIZ ASSIGNMENT - due this Friday, March 9th!

Hey gang,

For this Friday, March 9th, I need you to bring me the results from an online quiz (we actually took a portion of it last Friday but we ran out of time). It's only 40 simple questions - answer them by voting your conscience (0 = "agree less" ranging up to 10 = "agree more"). At the end you will receive a number score and "what it thinks you are politically".

I need to have you bring me all the results the quiz provides when you finish answering all 40 questions.
Oh, and if you are unsure or don't care on some of the questions - just put "5" - that's a neutral vote.

Email me any questions you have.
Happy  :{)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism"

You need to read Theodore Roosevelt's 1910 Progressive speech and answer just one question:

  • What is RIGHT with this speech?

Here is the speech, in case you lost your copy.
If you also want an .mp3 file to listen to while you read, here's a copy from Librivox - it's 37 MB so be patient.

Come ready to discuss next Wednesday, March 7th with FIVE notions you feel are right about the speech.

Animal Farm Question Handouts - in case you lose yours...

SCENE from Halas & Batchelor's  
1954, full-feature animated version of Animal Farm

Here are the handouts for your reading in Orwell's Animal Farm:

Remember the open book/open notes quiz on Friday, March 2nd!

Happy reading!....