Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just for coming to the blogspot...

If you can answer this question and email me the answer by tonight, I will send you the questions from the reading of John Locke WITH MY ANSWERS - but you must answer the question below correctly and send it to me by midnight tonight. Email me the answer.
[I'll check my email on the hour, each hour from 6PM to Midnight]

QUESTION - Name the three major English Law documents we have studied the past two weeks, when they were signed, and their major significances.

See what happens when you visit this blogspot sometimes...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

European Influences - QUIZ

While you prepare for your quiz on European Influences on our government, you may have missed the charts and handouts below.

HERE IS THE QUIZ STUDY GUIDE, in case you lost yours.

Keep reading your John Locke in preparing for the quiz - if you have the Second Treatise questions handout answered, you should do fine.

Email me with any questions you have.

  • There are two extreme ideologies we have discussed - ABSOLUTISM vs. CONSTITUTIONALISM. This chart explains the concept.
  • We also discussed John Locke's Social Contract theory. See this chart.
  • Our Founding Fathers did not just randomly come up with the Constitution on their own. They had help - both from God and past influences. This chart shows the "Building Material" we have been discussing the past several weeks.
  • AND LAST (but perhaps it is least...I dunno...) here's the PowerPoint from our last review that may help you as well.
In case you lost your question handout for John Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government, grab another copy here.

The word search can also be found here.